B.Sc , Philosophy , Tabriz University , 1987 → 1991
MS , Theology and Islamic Studies , University of Qom , 1996 → 1997
PhD , Islamic Educational Moderation , Islamic Maaref University , 2009 → 2013


Investigating ethical conflicts In the minds of thinkers in the field of ethics

2nd International Conference on Jurisprudence, Law and Religious Research

Afzal Boluki - 1399/12/25

aGoals and criteria for choosing a spouse in terms of religios texts and psychology

ششمين همايش بين المللي مطالعات ديني و علوم انساني در جهان اسلام

Afzal Boluki - 1399/12/15

the study of content and lexical structures of Surah 113(Falaghthe Down)

سيزدهمين همايش ملي پژوهش هاي نوين در علوم و فناوري

Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad - 1397/03/25

.,t;gk, f,tks;

assjkh asskdj slv tro,

Afzal Boluki, Ghodsie Akbari, Rezvaneh Najafi Savad Rodbari - 1394/11/29

a study of the chracteristcs of the mystical school of gom

زكيه سرحدي فر , [ Dadkhoda Khodayar, Afzal Boluki ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

comparative study on perfect man from view of imam sajjad and aziz al-din nasafi

سوده ايزدي , [ Dadkhoda Khodayar, Afzal Boluki ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي93-92


The Study of training kids

Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad - شکوفه ياس - 2016

1 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, Analyzing the meaning of the words Rabb' and Borhan' in the verse "had he not beheld the proof of his Lord " , مطالعات تفسيري. (2020) 11 57-74
2 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, Ghodsie Akbari, Assessing Eugenic Theory and Clarification of Its Moral Methods and Procedures through Religious Texts , آداب الكوفة. (2018) 1 73-86
3 - Ghodsie Akbari, Marziah Abyari, Afzal Boluki, priority or posteriority of Ross's functionlism to Mill's consequentialism in Ethical Limitation , پژوهشنامه اخلاق. (2018) 11 107-122
4 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, An Assessment of Shahid Motahhari`s Theory of Moral Absoluteness and Behavioral Relativity , پژوهشنامه اخلاق. (2016) 9 85-104
5 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, Getting out solutions from moral conflicts on the basis of Mervin Hare , پژوهش هاي اخلاقي. (2015) 18 17-35
6 - Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, Afzal Boluki, Why and How Moral Conflicts are occurred , Journal of Social Issues Humanities. (2013) 1 170-175
7 - , Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, The Method for Solving Moral Conflicts with an Emphasison Ayatollah Mesbah.s Viewpoint , پژوهش نامه اخلاق. (2013) 6 39-60
8 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, A critical study of David Ross s view on ethical mutual competitions with an emphasis on religious texts , pazhuhesh name-e akhlagh. (2013) 5 75-101
9 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, The Principles and Components in the Elimination of Moral Disagreement , Theological-Doctrinal Research. (2012) 5 33-58
10 - Afzal Boluki, Mohammad ali Moslehnezhad, A critical study of David Ross`s view on ethical mutual competitions with an emphasis on religious texts , پژوهش نامه اخلاق. (2012) 5 77-101