B.Sc , Mining Engineering , University of Birjand , 2001 → 2005
MS , Mining Engineering , Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman , 2006 → 2008
PhD , Mining Engineering , University of Tehran , 2016 → 2020


Evaluation of the NaCl role in laterite chemical leaching using organic and inorganic acids

هشتمين كنفرانس مهندسي معدن ايران

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi - 1398/11/30

Optimization of effective parameters in leaching of the most important oxide source containing nickel and cobalt using Design Expert 7 software

هشتمين كنفرانس مهندسي معدن ايران

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi - 1398/11/30

Comparison of bio-sulfuric acid with bioorganic acid as a solubilizing agent of nickel and cobalt from iron-rich laterites

هشتمين كنفرانس مهندسي معدن ايران

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi - 1398/11/30

Optimization of the effective parameters on the crushing of stones in the blasting of open pit mines

2nd International Conference on Mining engineering and Geo sciences

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1396/06/23

Comparison on two types of EPB and SPB tunneling machines in soft ground

2nd International Conference on Mining engineering and Geo sciences

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1396/06/23

Investigating the Effect of TBM Blade Geometry Neural Network and NTH Methods At TBM Infiltration Rate (Case Study)

2nd International Conference on Mining engineering and Geo sciences

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1396/06/23

Identification of geochemical anomalies using fractal analysis in Janja area SE Iran

8th International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology

Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1396/06/15

Optimization of heavy medium circuit for coal washing plant in Zarand

3rd National Iranian Coal Congress

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, - 1395/06/09

استانداردهاي انواع مختلف گچ

سومين همايش ملي گچ

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1394/07/15

مقايسه كيفيت و رعايت مسائل زيست محيطي براي چند كارخانه مهم گچ در ايران

سومين همايش ملي گچ

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1394/07/15

زمين شناسي، كاني شناسي و تعيين ساختار بلوري بال كلي

ششمين همايش انجمن زمين شناسي اقتصادي ايران

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1393/06/22

تكنولوژي نانو براي استحصال Tio2 از مواد معدني و باطله هاي صنعتي

سي و دومين گردهمايي و نخستين كنگره بين المللي تخصصي علوم زمين

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/11/27

فعال سازي صنعتي بنتونيت قائن با تغيير در ساختار بلور، درهم جوشي و جانشيني يوني

بيست و يكمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/11/16

معرفي فاكتور شكل معادل براي طراحي تيكنرها

نهمين كنفرانس دانشجويي مهندسي معدن ايران

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/09/06

الگوي بهينه اكتشاف، استخراج و فرآوري سنگهاي تزييني و نما

هفتمين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران

Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/02/17

بررسي عكس العمل گلسنگ در فرايند

هفتمين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران

Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/02/17

ارزيابي بلوك دهي سنگهاي ساختماني با استفاده از مطالعه آماري درزه ها

هفتمين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران

Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/02/17

بررسي موردي بهينه يابي پارامترهاي ماسكينگام بر اساس خطا

هفتمين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران

, Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab - 1392/02/17

Optimizing the parameters affecting on the thickener design to recycle water and prevent of environm

Marzieh Hosseini Nasab -

Investigating the application of Chehel Koureh copper mine tailings for use as raw materials for construction materials

يوسف درزاده , [ Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 1401-1402


Biotechnological Innovations in the Mineral-Metal Industry (Chapter3 Bioleaching of Lateritic Nickel

Hadi Abdollahi, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Ali Yadollahi - اشپرينگر - 2024 Switzerland

1 - Yusuf Dorzadeh, Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, كاربرد باطله هاي فرآوري مس در تهيه بتن به منظور جلوگيري از آلودگي محيط زيست , مهندسي عمران اميركبير. (2024) 6 -
2 - Mehrdad Kordloo, Hanieh Noeparast, Ali Rezaei Ashani, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Yousef Ghorbani, Using waste to treat waste: Utilizing pickling liquor for detoxification and extraction of valuable elements from electroplating sludge , Environmental Technology and Innovation. (2024) 36 103826-
3 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Azadeh Agah, Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Associated with Copper Mineralization using ASTER Data: A Case Study from the Mirjaveh Area, Southeast Iran , International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics. (2023) 36 720-732
4 - Ardalan Alishahi, Mohammad Noaparast, Ali Rezaei Ashni, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, The optimization of the strontium compounds production, using a celestine ore sample , Rudarsko-Geolosko-Naftni Zbornik. (2023) 38 53-62
5 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Rohollah Rezazadeh, Optimization of the line of Magnetite Recovery from Wet Tailings by Creating the Second Medium Intensity Magnetic Field (Case Study: Processing Plant of Gol-e-Gohar Hematite) , International Journal of Engineering. (2022) 35 1-12
6 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Selective precipitation of iron from multi-element PLS produced by atmospheric leaching of Ni-Co bearing laterite , International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering. (2022) 56 309-313
7 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Direct and Indirect Bio-Leaching of Co and Ni from an Iron-Rich Laterite Ore using Delftia Acidovorans and Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans , Journal of Mining and Environment. (2021) 12 471-489
8 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, The effect of inorganic acids on reducing iron impurities during iron-rich laterite ore leaching , International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering. (2021) 55 191-199
9 - Azadeh Agah, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Exploration of iron and chromite by geological and geophysical studies in Shovin area, Sistan and Bluchestan Province , پژوهش هاي ژئوفيزيك كاربردي. (2021) 7 299-316
10 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Hasan Sadeghi, Effect of Particle Size Distribution and Type of Mineral on the Blaine Number , International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering. (2020) 54 51-57
11 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Ali Amoozegar, Indirect bioleaching of Co and Ni from iron rich laterite ore, using metabolic carboxylic acids generated by P. putida, P. koreensis, P. bilaji and A. niger , HYDROMETALLURGY. (2020) 193 1 -105309-15-105309 View Paper
12 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Mohammad Ali Amoozegar, Kinetics of two-step bioleaching of Ni and Co from iron rich-laterite using supernatant metabolites produced by Salinivibrio kushneri as halophilic bacterium , HYDROMETALLURGY. (2020) 195 1 -105387-10 -10538 View Paper
13 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Dissolution of Nickel and Cobalt from Iron-Rich Laterite Ores Using Different Organic Acids , Journal of Mining and Environment. (2020) 11 779-797
14 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Mohammad Noaparast, Hadi Abdollahi, Dissolution optimization and kinetics of nickel and cobalt from iron?rich laterite ore, using sulfuric acid at atmospheric pressure , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS. (2020) 52 283-298 View Paper
15 - Ali Akbar Daya, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Application and comparison of the cokriging and the fractal model for identifying geochemical anomalies in Janja area, SE Iran , International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering. (2019) 10 1-26
16 - Mohammad Reza Garmsiri, Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, The Effect of Solids Concentration Flocculant Dosage and Particle Size on Dewatering Behavior of Tailings Sample at Shahrebabk Copper Complex , مهندسي عمران اميركبير. (2018) 49 645-652
17 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Ali Akbar Daya, Separation of geochemical anomalies using inverse distant weighting (IDW) and concentration-area (C-A) fractal modeling based on stream sediments data in Janja Region SE Iran , Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration. (2018) 156 167-178 View Paper
18 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, , Optimal Water Recovery with Emphasis on Flocculant Consumption Rate in the Thickener , آب و فاضلاب. (2017) 28 48-57
19 - , , Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, REMOVAL OF FINE GANGUE MINERALS FROM CHADOR-MALU IRON CONCENTRATE USING HYDROSEPARATOR , Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. (2017) 53 250-263
20 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Effects of orbital shaking on settling velocity of mineral particles in aqueous solutions using split-plot designs , WATER AND ENVIRONMENT JOURNAL. (2017) 31 470-477
21 - , , , Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Regional simulation and landslide risk prediction based on bivariate logistic regression (A case study Pahne Kola watershed in north of Iran) , International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering. (2017) 51 105-112
22 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, A new approach for obtaining settling velocity in a thickener using statistical regression A case study , Journal of Mining and Environment. (2016) 7 47-56
23 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Thickener Waste Management in Mineral Processing To Prevent Environmental Pollution , International Journal For Research Development in Technology. (2014) 2 5-10
24 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, THE APPLICATION OF ZEOLITE IN THICKENERS FOR OPTIMAL WATER RECOVERY , Recikla a i odr ivi razvoj. (2014) 7 30-34
25 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Chemical Composition of Fumarolic Gases and Springs Discharges from the Taftan volcano with Emphasis on the Geochemical Behaviour of Arsenic , BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENT PHARMACOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES. (2014) 3 113-120
26 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Effect of Initial Pulp Concentration on Particles Settling Velocity in various regions of Thickeners , BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENT PHARMACOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES. (2014) 3 253-257
27 - , Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, , , تاثير روش آزمايش ته نشيني بر تعيين ابعاد تيكنرها , SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. (2014) 87-95
28 - Marzieh Hosseini Nasab, Effect of settling test procedure on sizing thickeners , SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. (2013) 87-95