B.Sc , Applied Mathematics , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , 2002 → 2006
MS , Applied Mathematics - Numerical Analysis , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , 2006 → 2008
PhD , Applied Mathematics - Numerical Analysis , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , 2009 → 2014


A new preconditioned SOR method based on (I + P)-like preconditioners to solve multi-linear systems for M-tensors

21 iranian conference on fuzzy systems

Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab - 1401/12/17

A new preconditioner for the SOR method to solve multi-linear systems

The 9th seminar on numerical analysis and its applications

Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab - 1401/02/19

A new preconditioning technique for SOR algorithm for solving multi-linear systems

The 11th Seminar on Linear Algebra and its Applications

Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab - 1400/11/14

A Polynomial Preconditioner for the LSQR Method

51-st annual iranian mathematics conference

Somayyeh Ghadamyari, Maryam Mojarrab - 1399/11/27

A right preconditioner for the LSMR method

The Third International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and Statistics (ICPMS2020)

Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab - 1399/04/03

A New Preconditioning Technique of the LSQR Method for Solving the Linear Systems

2nd conference on dynamical systems and geometric theorie

Maryam Mojarrab, Razieh Sargazi - 1397/09/07

Weighted least squares minimal residual method for solving fredholm integral equations of the first kind

2nd conference on dynamical systems and geometric theories

Maryam Mojarrab, Mona Paknahad - 1397/09/07

The Preconditioned Global LSMR (Gl-LSMR) Method for the Solution of the Large Matrix Equation AXB = C

49th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference

Maryam Mojarrab - 1397/06/01


49th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference

Maryam Mojarrab - 1397/06/01

An iterative algorithm based on the least squares method for solving linear Fredholm integral equations

The 7th seminar on numerical analysis and its applications

Maryam Mojarrab - 1397/04/20

Introducing the variant tensor splittings and their application to solve multi-linear systems

فاطمه آسوده , [ Maryam Mojarrab, Soodeh Zarepour ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي1401

Preconditioning of some Krylov subspace method for solving multi-linear systems

افسانه حسن پوركاريزكي , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

A preconditioned SOR method for solving multi-linear systems with an M-tensor

منا اوليايي , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

Combination preconditioning of saddle point systems

داود مرادزاده , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

The preconditioning technique for the LSQR method for solving the linear systems of equations and least squares problems

فاطمه رضائي كنگان , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

An augmented LSQR method for solving least squares problems

محبوبه سيدالحسيني , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

A polynomial preconditioned LSQR method for solving the linear systems

راضيه سرگزي , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97

the least squares method for solving linear fredholm integral equations

مونا پاكنهاد , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 97-96

ساسان بزي قوي , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

كاظم نيك پناه , [ Maryam Mojarrab ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

مشاوره دانشجويان كارشناسي

1402/11/21 - 1403/04/04

مشاوره دانشجويان كارشناسي

1402/07/01 - 1402/11/05

1 - Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab, A new (I + P)-like preconditioner for the SOR method for solving multi-linear systems with M -tensors , Journal of Mathematical Modeling. (2024) 12 131-144
2 - Maryam Mojarrab, Afsaneh Hasanpour, Somayyeh Ghadamyari, A new form of LSMR for solving linear systems and least-squares problems , International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics. (2023) 18 266-275
3 - Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab, A block preconditioner for the Gl-LSMR algorithm , Journal of Mathematical Modeling. (2021) 9 347-359
4 - Maryam Mojarrab, Mojtaba Ashhadi, Tight-binding method for the electronic and optical properties of C and BN nanotubes , Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials. (2020) 261 1-6
5 - Afsaneh Hasanpour, Maryam Mojarrab, A right preconditioner for the LSMR method , Joural of Physics Conference Series. (2020) 1592 012046-1-012046-8
6 - Maryam Mojarrab, , Global LSMR(Gl-LSMR) Method for Solving General Linear Systems with Several Right-Hand Sides , JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. (2017) 321 78-89
7 - , Maryam Mojarrab, The block LSMR method a novel efficient algorithm for solving non-symmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A-Science. (2015) 39 69-78
8 - - -, Maryam Mojarrab, The block LSMR algorithm for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides , Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization. (2015) 5 11-28
9 - , , Maryam Mojarrab, LSMR Iterative Method for General Coupled Matrix Equations , JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS. (2014) 2014 1-13