B.Sc , Physics , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , 1985 → 1990
MS , Physics - Astrophysics , Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman , 1993 → 1997
PhD , Nanosciences and Technology - Nanophysics , University of Pune , 2001 → 2006


Synthesis and study

5th international conference on recent innovation chemistry and chemical engineering

Adele Moradikor, Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar - 1396/11/13


5th internationl cofernce on recent innovations hemistry and chemical engineering

Adele Moradikor, Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar - 1396/11/13

Cobalt oxide nanoparticles prepared in two different ways, chemical, physical, and compare results

First National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Mousa Aliahmad, , Hamideh Saravani - 1389/11/27

Ultraviolet radiation (UV) detection by using titanium oxide nanocrystals

1st National Conference on Nano Science

, Naser Hatefi Kargan, Mousa Aliahmad, Mohammad Saeid Hadavi - 1389/11/27

Synthesis of Co3O4 nanoparticles by modified sol-gel method and investigation of their optical properties

Iranian Physics Conference

Mousa Aliahmad, , Hamideh Saravani - 1389/06/20

Calculation of tunneling coefficient in resonant tunneling diode

16 th Annual IASBS Condensed Matter Meeting

, , Naser Hatefi Kargan, Mousa Aliahmad - 1389/03/06

Synthesis of Cr-doped ZnS nanoparticles and study of magnetic and optical properties

زينب كوچك زايي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Zihab Sohbatzadeh, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

رضا رخشاني راد , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Majid Azarang, Abbas Rahdar, Naser Hatefi Kargan, Mohsen Saadat, Ahmadreza Daraei ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

Green Synthesis and characterization of nickel oxide silver loaded Reduced Graphene Oxide composite

سميه سعيدي مهر , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Majid Azarang, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

غزاله قلاسي مود , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Majid Azarang, Ahmadreza Daraei, Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah, Seyed Alireza Alavi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 96-95

حوا اسماعيل زايي قلعه كهنه , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

عادله مرادي كر , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

سجاد سفيدچقايي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Majid Azarang ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

معصومه ساماني , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-95

فهيمه هاشم زهي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Mohsen Dehbashi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-95

عبدالحكيم سپاهي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-93

فردين صادق فر , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-93

فاطمه محمدپور , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Mohsen Dehbashi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-93

Synthesis and characterization of magnetic and optical properties of vanadium-doped alumina nanoparticles

مريم حسني , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Hasan Hasani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

شمس الدين اكوان , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي93-92

احمد سالاري , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Mohsen Sargazi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي93-92

اسماعيل دودمان , [ Ahmadreza Daraei, Soheyl Sharifi, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 92-91

ابوذر نصرالهي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 92-91

مسعود دلگشا , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 92-91

سيدحمزه عدناني سادات , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Naser Hatefi Kargan ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 92-91

يحيي عزيزي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 92-91

طاهره محمدي قراسويي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi, Mohsen Sargazi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91

محمدرضا مزيناني , [ Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91

محمد كيان عليجاني , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91

احمد رفيعي نيا , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي91-90

ارش قاسمي , [ Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي91-90

ناهيد كريمي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Soheyl Sharifi, Mohsen Sargazi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي91-90

حسن اصلاحي , [ Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

هادي شيدايي محلي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Mohsen Sargazi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

محسن دهباشي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 90-89

سامره عزيزي , [ Naser Hatefi Kargan, Mousa Aliahmad, Mohammad Saeid Hadavi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي89-88

مريم مولاپناه كنارويي , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي89-88

انيسه كافي كنگ , [ Mohammad Goshtasbi Rad, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي89-88

نرگس نصيري مقدم , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Mohsen Sargazi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي89-88

سميه خدامي اتشاني , [ Ahmadreza Daraei, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 88-87

محمدرسول نوري , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Naser Hatefi Kargan ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 88-87

مرضيه نكوئي , [ Naser Hatefi Kargan, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 88-87

سميه حيدري , [ Mousa Aliahmad, Ahmadreza Daraei ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 88-87

افراسياب صالحي مغانلو , [ Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah, Mousa Aliahmad ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 88-87

1 - Majid Azarang, Arazoo Bakhteyarenea, Reza Rakhshani, Abdol Mahmood Davarpanah, Mousa Aliahmad, , Green gelatin-assisted: Synthesis of Co3O4NPs@rGO nanopowder for highly efficient magnetically separable methylene orange dye degradation , ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. (2021) 32 504-514 View Paper
2 - Adele Moradikor, Mousa Aliahmad, abbas rahdar, Synthesis and Photophysical Study of Reverse Nano-Micelles Containing Dye , علوم و فناوري رنگ. (2020) 14 191-202
3 - Abbas Rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, Adele Moradikor, Dibakar Sahoo, Probing the reverse micelle environment with a cationic dye by varying oil and water content of micelles , SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY. (2019) 210 165-170 View Paper
4 - Abbas Rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, , Mostafa HeidariMajd, Md. Abu Bin Hasan Susan, Synthesis and characterization of highly efficacious Fe-doped ceria nanoparticles for cytotoxic and antifungal activity , CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL. (2019) 45 7950-7955 View Paper
5 - Abbas Rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, Mohammad Reza Hajinezhad, , Xanthan gum-stabilized nano-ceria: Green chemistry based synthesis, characterization, study of biochemical alterations induced by intraperitoneal doses of nanoparticles in rat , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. (2018) 1173 166-172 View Paper
6 - Seyedeh Maryamdokht Taimoory, Abbas Rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, , Mohammad Reza Hajinezhad, Mohammad Jah, Corrigendum to "The synthesis and characterization of a magnetite nanoparticle with potent antibacterial activity and low mammalian toxicity" [J. Mol. Liq. 265 (2018) 96 - 104] , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. (2018) 265 96-104 View Paper
7 - Abbas Rahdar, Pablo Taboada, Mousa Aliahmad, Mohammad Reza Hajinezhad, , Iron oxide nanoparticles Synthesis physical characterization and intraperitoneal biochemical studies in Rattus norvegicus , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. (2018) 1173 240-245 View Paper
8 - Abbas Rahdar, Mohammad Almasi-Kashi, Asad Muhammad Khan, Mousa Aliahmad, Anayatollah Salimi, Moez Gu, Effect of ion exchange in NaAOT surfactant on droplet size and location of dye within Rhodamine B (RhB)-containing microemulsion at low dye concentration , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. (2018) 252 506-513 View Paper
9 - Majid Azarang, Mousa Aliahmad, Ghorban Shiravizadeh, H. R. Azimi, yousefi ramin, Zn-doped PbO nanoparticles (NPs)/fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) as photoanode for enhancement of visible-near-infrared (NIR) broad spectral photocurrent application of narrow bandgap nanostructures SnSe NPs as a case study , JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. (2018) 124 123101-
10 - Majid Azarang, mehran sookhakian, Mousa Aliahmad, Masoumeh Dorraj, Basirun Wan Jeffrey, Goh Boon Ton, Nitrogen doped graphene supported zinc sulfide nanorods as efficient Pt free for visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen production , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2018) 43 14905-14914
11 - Abbas Rahdar, , Mousa Aliahmad, Effect of chain length of oil on location of dye within AOT nanometer-sized droplet microemulsions at constant water content , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. (2017) 233 398-402
12 - , , , Mousa Aliahmad, , , Importance of the Inter-Electrode Distance for the Electrochemical Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization, Computational Modelling, and Cytotoxicity , e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. (2017) 15 31-39
13 - Seyedeh Maryamdokht Taimoory, John F. Trant, Abbas Rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, , Importance of the Inter-Electrode Distance for the Electrochemical Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles Synthesis Characterization Computational Modelling and Cytotoxicity , e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. (2017) 15 31-39 View Paper
14 - Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar, Fardin sadeghfar, Samira Bagheri, Mohammad Reza Hajinezhad, Synthesis and Biochemical effects of magnetite nanoparticle by surfactant-free electrochemical method in an aqueous system: The current density effect , Nanomedicine Research Journal. (2016) 1 39-46
15 - Abbas Rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, Yahya Azizi, NiO Nanoparticles Synthesis and Characterization , Journal of Nanostructures. (2015) 5 145-151
16 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Yahya Azizi, NiO Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Characterization , journal of nanostructures. (2015) 5 145-151
17 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Yahya Azizi, NiO Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Characterization , journal of nanostructures. (2015) 5 145-151
18 - Mousa Aliahmad, Abbas Rahdar, Yahya Azizi, Synthesis of Cu Doped NiO Nanoparticles by Chemical Method , Journal of Nanostructures. (2014) 4 145-152
19 - Aboozar Nasrollahi, soheil sharifi, Mousa Aliahmad, AFM Study of a Lipid Multilayer with Cholesterol , Chemical Rapid Communications. (2013) 1 56-59
20 - Mousa Aliahmad, mohsen dehbashi, Ni-Doped SnO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Co-Precipitation Method , Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment (MSRT BLACKLIST). (2013) 4 49-52
21 - Mousa Aliahmad, , Synthesis and characterization of nickel ferrite nanoparticles by chemical method , INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (2013) 87 431-434
22 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Hamideh Saravani, Fabrication of Superhydrophobic surface by Co3O4 nanoparticles , INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (2013) 87 211-215
23 - , Mohammad Reza Mohammadi, Mousa Aliahmad, othmar marti, masoud amirkhani, The effect of TBAC on the collective diffusion coefficient and morphology of AOT microemulsion at X 6.7 , PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS. (2013) 51 469-479
24 - abbas rahdar, Mousa Aliahmad, H asnaashari, Effect of different capping agents on the undoped ZnS semiconductor nanocrystals Synthesis and optical and structural Characteization , Advanced Science Letters. (2013) 19 547-549
26 - , Mousa Aliahmad, , , Nickel-doped SnO2 Nanoparticles Preparation and Evaluation of Their Catalytic Activity in the Synthesis of 1-amido Alkyl-2-naphtholes , SYNTHESIS AND REACTIVITY IN INORGANIC METAL-ORGANIC AND NANO-METAL CHEMISTRY. (2013) 43 1301-1306
27 - Mousa Aliahmad, , Naser Hatefi Kargan, m sargazi, Synthesis of nickel ferrite nanoparticles by co-precipitation chemical method , International Journal of the Physical Sciences. (2013) 8 854-858
28 - , Mousa Aliahmad, , majid ghashang, Nickel-doped SnO2 Nanoparticles: Preparation and Evaluation of Their Catalytic Activity in the Synthesis of 1-amido Alkyl-2-naphtholes , Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (2013) 43 1301-1306
29 - Mousa Aliahmad, , synthesis of magnetite ( -Fe2O3) nanoparticles by thermal-decomposition of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles , MATERIALS SCIENCE. (2013) 2 264-268
30 - Mousa Aliahmad, , Synthesis and characterization of nickel ferrite nanoparticles by chemical method , INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (2013) 87 :431-434
32 - , , Mousa Aliahmad, , , The effect of TBAC on the collective diffusion coefficient and morphology of AOT microemulsion at X ^6.7 , PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS. (2013) 51 469-479
33 - Naser Hatefi Kargan, Mousa Aliahmad, , Detecting Ultra-Violet radiation by using Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles , Soft Nanosience Letters. (2012) 2 29-33
34 - , Mousa Aliahmad, , majid ghashang, NiO-SnO2 Composite Nano-Powder: Preparation and Evaluation of their Catalytic Activity in the Synthesis of 1-amido alkyl-2-naphtholes , LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (2012) 9 711-719
35 - , Mousa Aliahmad, , , ChemInform Abstract: NiO—SnO2 Composite Nano-Powder: Preparation and Evaluation of Their Catalytic Activity in the Synthesis of 1-Amidoalkyl-2-naphtholes. , LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (2012) 9 711-719
36 - Khadijeh Nikjoo, Mousa Aliahmad, , mohsen sargazi, Photon Correlation Spectroscopy and SAXS Study of Cylindrical to Spherical Transition in the AOT Microemulsion by Changing Solvent , Soft Nanosience Letters. (2012) 2 17-21
37 - Nahid Karimi, , Mousa Aliahmad, photon correlation spectroscopy and SAXS study of mixture of NaCl with AOT microemulsion at X 6.7 , Optics and Photonics Journal. (2012) 2 54-58
38 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Mohammad R. M. Shafiee, majid ghashang, NiO-SnO2 composite nano-powder Preparation and evaluation of their catalytic activity in the synthesis of 1-amido alkyl-2-naphtholes , LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (2012) 9 711-719
39 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Experimental study of structural and optical band gap of nickel doped tin oxide nanoparticles , International Journal of the Physical Sciences. (2012) 7 5415-5420
40 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Synthesis of Sn0.986Ni0.014O Nanoparticles and Study of Their Optical Band Gap , International Journal of Optics and Photonics. (2012) 6 113-116
41 - sh ashtaputre, A Dehpande, Mousa Aliahmad, Sonali Marathe, suchita kalele, J Chimanpure, a jurban, S, Integrating Nano and microparticles , INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE and APPLIED PHYSICS. (2006) 44 107-112