MS , Statistic , Sistan and Baluchestan University , 2004 → 2006
PhD , Statistic , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , 2011 → 2016


On Kolmogorov Feller weak law of large numbers for dependent random variables

The 12th Seminar On Probability and Random Processes

Habib Naderi, Matula Przemyslaw, Salehi Mahdi, Amini Mohammad - 1398/06/09

complete convergence of weighted sums of dominated dependent random sequences

The 12th Seminar On Probability and Random Processes

Habib Naderi, Przemyslaw Matula, Mohammad Amini, Hamed Ahmadzade - 1398/06/09

Analysis of the questions of objective tests using nonparametric correlation methods. Study: General Physics Msc

Second seminar on non- parametric statistics and its application

Maryam Parsaeian, Sima Naghi zade, Habib Naderi - 1397/02/13

Portfolio Selection Based on Uncertain Random Variables

The 6th Iranian joint congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems

Hamed Ahmadzade, Rong Gao, Mehran Farahikia, Habib Naderi - 1396/12/09

Complete convergence for dependent random variables: A

The 11th seminr on probabilityan stochastic process

Habib Naderi, Mohammad Amini, Andrei Volodin - 1396/06/08

A study on frailty model and its related subjects

نرگس سليمي منفرد , [ Habib Naderi, Hamed Ahmadzade ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

Relative stochastic comparisons of additive frailty models

مرجان لقماني پي گدار , [ Hamed Ahmadzade, Habib Naderi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

مريم داغ گازران , [ Hamed Ahmadzade, Habib Naderi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96


Item Response Theory: Principles and Applications

, , Habib Naderi - انتشارات موسسه آموزش عالي غياث الدين جمشيد کاشاني - 2016

مدير گروه

1396/12/21 - 1397/06/20

1 - Zhenhua He, Hamed Ahmadzade, Kamran Rezaei, Hassan Rezaei, Habib Naderi, Tsallis entropy of uncertain random variables and its application , SOFT COMPUTING. (2021) 25 11735-11743 View Paper
2 - Hamed Ahmadzade, Rong Gao, Habib Naderi, Mehran Farahikia, Partial divergence measure of uncertain random variables and its application , SOFT COMPUTING. (2020) 24 501-512 View Paper
3 - Habib Naderi, Przemys?aw Matu?a, Mahdi Salehi, Mohammad Amini, On weak law of large numbers for sums of negatively superadditive dependent random variables , COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. (2020) 358 13-21 View Paper
4 - Rong Gao, Hamed Ahmadzade, Kamran Rezaei, Hassan Rezaei, Habib Naderi, Partial similarity measure of uncertain random variables and its application to portfolio selection , JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS. (2020) 39 155-166 View Paper
5 - Habib Naderi, P. Matu?a, M. Amini, Hamed Ahmadzade, A version of the KolmogrovFeller weak law of large numbers for maximal weighted sums of random variables , COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS. (2019) 48 4514-4518 View Paper
6 - Habib Naderi, Przemys?aw Matu?a, Mohammad Amini, On Complete Convergence of Dominated Random Variables , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A-Science. (2019) 43 1164-1165 View Paper
7 - Hamed Ahmadzade, Rong Gao, Habib Naderi, On the convergence of complex uncertain random sequences , JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT and FUZZY SYSTEMS. (2018) 35 2459-2467 View Paper
8 - Habib Naderi, Mohammad Amini, Abolghasem Bozorgnia, On the rate of complete convergence for weighted sums of NSD random variables and an application , Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B. (2017) 32 270-280 View Paper
9 - Habib Naderi, - -, , , On stochastic dominance and the strong law of large numbers for dependent random variables , Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas. (2016) 110 771-782
10 - Habib Naderi, , , Complete Convergence for Weighted Sums of Weakly Negative Dependent of Random Variables , Filomat. (2016) 30 3177-3186
11 - Alireza Ahmadi Ledari, Habib Naderi, ON INCLUSION BETWEEN LambdaBV (p) CHANTURYIA AND Hp w CLASSES , Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. (2015) 2015 23-28
12 - - -, , Habib Naderi, A Volodin, On Complete Convergence of Moving Average Processes for NSD Sequences , Siberian Advances in Mathematics. (2015) 25 11-20