B.Sc , Pure Mathematics , University of Tehran , 2000 → 2004
MS , Pure Mathematics - Topology and Geometry , Amirkabir University of Technology , 2004 → 2007
PhD , Applied Mathematics tendency of differential equa , Shahid Beheshti University , 2011 → 2015


Chaos in Expanding Baker like Maps

2nd Conference on Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories

Roya Makrooni - 1397/09/07

Influence of a square-root singularity on the behavior of piecewise smooth maps

مجيد ساراني محتشم , [ Roya Makrooni, Zahra Shabani Siahkalde ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

A remark on sensitivity and Li-yorke sensitivity of itrated function systems

فاطمه شهركي , [ Zahra Shabani Siahkalde, Roya Makrooni ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97

1 - Roya Makrooni, Bifurcation Analysis of a Piecewise Smooth Map with Two Asymptotes , Armenian Journal of Mathematics. (2022) 14 1-12
2 - Mehdi Pourbarat, Neda Abbasi, Roya Makrooni, آشوب در دستگاه هاي ديناميكي قطعه اي هموار با يك نقطه ي ناپيوستگي , مجله مدل سازي پيشرفته رياضي. (2019) 9 93-105
3 - Laura Gardini, Roya Makrooni, Necessary and sufficient conditions of full chaos for expanding Baker-like maps and their use in non-expanding Lorenz maps , Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. (2019) 67 272-289
4 - Laura Gardini, Roya Makrooni, Iryna Sushko, Cascades of alternating smooth bifurcations and border collision bifurcations with singularity in a family of discontinuous linear-power maps , DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B. (2018) 23 701-729
5 - Roya Makrooni, Laura Gardini, Iryna Sushko, Bifurcation Structures in a Family of 1D Discontinuous Linear-Hyperbolic Invertible Maps , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS. (2015) 25 1530039-1-1530039-21
6 - Roya Makrooni, Neda Abbasi, Mehdi Pourbarat, Laura Gardini, Robust unbounded chaotic attractors in 1D discontinuous maps , CHAOS SOLITONS and FRACTALS. (2015) 77 310-318
7 - Roya Makrooni, Farhad Khellat, Laura Gardini, Border collision and fold bifurcations in a family of one-dimensional discontinuous piecewise smooth maps: unbounded chaotic sets , JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. (2015) 21 660-695
8 - Roya Makrooni, Farhad Khellat, Laura Gardini, Border collision and fold bifurcations in a family of one-dimensional discontinuous piecewise smooth maps: divergence and bounded dynamics , JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. (2015) 21 791-824