Undergraduate, Bachelor of Engineering
List of Programs
Graduate Programs; Master and PhD
List of Programs
Engineering Researchs aimed to reach Scientific breakthroughs and technological Advances in a wide range of core engineering diciplines. Our research projects focus on the development of tools and methods for appraisal and assessment, and/or on the decision process itself.
Courses Portal
Education choice continues to reach a broad, global scale; and more students are keen to study abroad than ever before. In USB, most Courses Materials is accesible for the students through the Electonic Course System of University of Sistsn and Baluchestan
Transport Phenomena in Micro and Nano Scales
Hydrosciences and Environment
Journal of Industrial Management systems
Student Associates
Scientific Student Associantions are related to each departments and aime to deliver a sustainable academic Contribution to the Students to exchange their Scientific activities and works.


Shahid Nikhbakht Faculty of Engineering Comprises six Educational Departements ,61 Academic Members , 55 Staff and More than 2000 students.