Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Undergraduate, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

This program is in two branches of Solids and Fluids, which includes:

-  Study the fundamentals of mechanics and materials, vibration analysis, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics, and also

-  Design, integrate and analyze mechanical, control and feedback systems and processes

Graduate Programs; Master and PhD

Three programs in mater degrees include Energy Conversions, Applied Designs and Mechatronics.  The programs provide students the opportunity to enhance specific areas of knowledge gained at the undergraduate level and to introduce them to research at the acquisition of new scientific knowledge for the purpose of advancing the design of technological systems.

Also, there is two branches in PhD programs; Energy Conversion and Applied Design for Mechatronics.





Electronic Course System

Education System

Sport Facilities

Health Centers

Information Technology Management


Transport Phenomena in Nano and Micro Scales is a biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal published jointly by the University of Sistan and Baluchestan (USB) and the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) under permission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Islamic Republic of Iran.




Iran Society of Mechanical Engineering

Robotic Society of Iran

Sistan and Baluchestan Power Substations


Student Associates

Scientific Associate of Mechanical Engineering

Scientific Associate of robotic