Question 1: How does the E-learning Center of University of Sistan and Baluchestan admit students?

Answer: This center admits foreign students through the Office of International Affairs (https://www.usb.ac.ir/en/Admission/Requirements-for-Admission). Iranian students have been admitted in this facility through the National University Entrance Exam since 2008 and through an exclusive entrance exam under the supervision of the National Organization of Educational Testing (Pardis) in just 2011. However, as of 2014, the E-learning Center admits students only through the National University Entrance Exam. It must be noted that every year the terms and conditions of admitting new students are publicly announced through social media as well as the university’s website.

Question 2:  How credible is the graduate degree certificate issued by the E-learning Center?   

Answer: The graduates of E-learning Center will be awarded the most commonly-held university degrees in the name of University of Sistan and Baluchestan. It must be explained that in the issued document, the phrase “electronic coursework-based” will appear along with the university title, degree, and the associated discipline. The Graduate diploma awarded to the alumni of this center, as well as that presented to the graduates of in-person courses, is approved by the Ministry of Sciences, Researches and Technology of Iran. The diploma is of high employability and has been officially recognized for translation and for studying at higher levels of academic education.

Question 3: Is an academic exemption granted to students who are called up to do national service after enrollment into the E-learning Center?

Answer: Yes.

Question 4: Are the E-learning Center students allowed to study simultaneously at other universities or attend other programs?

Answer: No.

Question 5: Are the students of E-learning courses allowed to do their national service simultaneously while continuing their study?

Answer: No. The students drafted to national service are required to take on an academic exemption while studying; otherwise, they have to drop the courses.

Question 6: Which MA/MS programs are currently available at this center?

Answer: At the moment, 4 programs are offered to students, including Information Technology Management (E-Business), General Psychology, Business Management (Marketing), and Entrepreneurship (New Business Development).

Question 7: How long does it take to graduate with a Master’s degree in the electronic educational system?

Answer: The new regulations restrict the duration of studies at Master’s programs to four semesters in both educational systems (coursework-based and research-based)

Question 8: Can dropping a course, taking a study leave, or dropping a unit result in an extension of the permitted duration of study?

Answer: Yes.

Question 9: What is the syllabus?

Answer: A Syllabus is applied to the total courses each student must pass in his/her field of study in order to graduate. A syllabus includes basic courses, core courses, specialized, and compensatory courses.

Question 10: What is the maximum number of units each student is allowed to have per semester?

Answer: Each student can have between 8 to 12 units per semester.

Question 11: How are the classes held?

Answer: After registration and unit selection is over in each semester, students’ daily schedule, as well as the date and time of each class session, is announced on the website. Using their username and password, the students are required to log into their personal account on the courses’ website (vle.usb.ac.ir) at the appointed time and date, and thus attend the class. The attendants are supposed to be in direct, immediate contact with the lecturers. They can see the lecturer’s real-time image, hear his/her voice, perceive the materials presented by the latter, and ask any possible questions, which the lecturer will answer immediately. An archive of course materials, in the form of audio-visual files, will be gradually available to the students as the term progresses. In addition, throughout each semester one or two sessions will be held in person if need be.

Question 12: Is it obligatory to attend the classes?

Answer: In case of virtual classes, the decisions on attendance are up to the professor or his/her assistant. Therefore, the students are advised to attend the first few sessions of each course immediately after they have selected their courses at the beginning of the semester. Thus, they can be informed about the professor’s policy on attendance and absence. In case of sessions held in-person, attendance is voluntary.

Question 13: Since I work 9 to 5 at the office, are the classes held outside office hours?

Answer: No. Despite all the efforts made to move the classes outside office hours, some sessions are held in the morning and some in the afternoon. The classes may be held from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. and the students are required to adapt their daily routines to the announced schedule.   

Question 14: What are the responsibilities expected of each student for each course?

Answer: A student is generally expected to meet the anticipated educational goals of each course by the end of the semester. To this end, the students are obligated to master the presented materials, do the assignments as well as the course projects in order to meet the professor’s expectations. The professors’ methods and expectations vary according to course requirements, and the students are meant to adapt to the faculty members’ educational expectations.

Question 15: What are the main resources for each course in the electronic educational system?

Answer: Materials and resources include:

  • Electronic materials that are prepared and made available at the virtual space associated with each course. Based on each student’s individual schedule, the materials are obtainable at each semester for the students who have taken the associated course.
  • The course book(s) assigned by the professor
  • The course materials in various file formats (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, etc.) that are uploaded in the course’s virtual space by the faculty member
  • The archive of recorded sessions

Note: Inclusion, importance, and the weight of each of the above-mentioned categories at the final examinations are determined and announced by the associated faculty member.