Departments of Educational Management

Departments of Educational Management


The Department of Educational Sciences at Zahedan Tarbiat Moallem University, founded in 1353, provided 24 educational courses to secretary students. In 1368, the trend of management and planning in the undergraduate studies, and in 2003 the trend of educational management at the postgraduate level, and then in 1394, set the trend of history and philosophy of education at the postgraduate level.
In the year 1395, with the change of approach of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, all trends in undergraduate science education were eliminated and under the title of Educational Sciences with four fields (Management and Planning, Preschool Education and Preschool Education, Educational Technology and Education And raising children with special needs), so that each student, according to his talent and interest, chooses one of the four areas that the university has the opportunity to offer.
One of the areas of undergraduate, managerial, and educational planning that is provided by this group and managed by Dr. Nastiaei is presented.
Students after having spent 4 and a half years with their talent and interest in the fifth to eighth semesters have acquired specialty in management and planning.
Currently, at the undergraduate level, students studying in the fields of teaching management and history and philosophy of education provided by this group are studying.
The Future is the Group Development Group at the Ph.D. and Senior in Planning and Technology Education.