The defence of P.h.d dissertation accomplished by Mrs Seddigheh Zeynali,the P.H.D candidate of general linguistics,titled 'An Investigation and Gomparison of Some Discours Features in Persian General Practitioners Books and Online Medical Jornals" has been held on 9th of June in Sami and Basari Talar of Language Literature Faculty Sistan and Baluachestan University. This dissertation was done under the supervision of Dr Abbas Ali Ahangar, Dr Pakzad Yusefiyan and advising of Dr Stephen Levinsohn.The Dissertation was examined by Dr Shahla Sharifi a member of faculty of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad using webinar. In addtion,the internal examiners of the dissertation were Dr Yahya Keykhayi , Dr Abdullah Sarani and Dr Seyyed Farid Khalifelu.This dissertation was accepted with grade" very well".