Department of Anthropology


This department was established in 1998 in Arts Faculty and offered only a small program in 4 semesters, which could lead to B.A afterward. From 1998 to 2004, about 197 students could pass this small program. In 2004, the Ministry of Higher Education approved this department to enroll those students for a B.A program, and since then the department shifted to the faculty of Literature and Humanities. At present, this department has two academic trends in Anthropological studies leading to B.A Degrees: Cultural Ethnology, and Social Sciences Research. This department has 10 professors (1 associate professor, 8 assistant professors and 1 lecturer) and one personal assistant.


Social Sciences, Interest Area: Anthropology

Anthropology is one of the main areas of interest in Social Sciences the concern of which is to identify all aspects of Humans' social life. This area of interest has 138 credits which consist of required, specialized, general and core courses.

Social Sciences, Interest Area: Research

Research interest area in Social Science is the equivalent to Sociology in B.A Program and is one of the main areas of interest in Social Sciences that performs a scientific study on Humans' social behavior, social groups and social communities. This area of interest has 138 credits which consist of core, required, specialized and general courses. This area of interest has been offered in the University since 2009.