
The 3rd International IHEI Workshop hosted by the University of Sistan and Baluchestan

The 3rd International IHEI Workshop hosted by the University of Sistan and Baluchestan

The 3rd International IHEI Workshop hosted by the University of Sistan and Baluchestan was held at Alzahra University in Tehran on Oct. 17th to Oct. 19th. IHEI workshops are part of Erasmus plus project and European Union Commission.

Members of International Relations Offices of the following universities took part in this workshop:
1.    University of Sistan and Baluchestan,
2.    FH Joanneum University of Austria,
3.    Allameh Tabatabi University.
4.    Ferdowsi University of Mashad  
5.    Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz,
6.     Kurdistan University,
7.     Shiraz University.
Already this workshop has been held in each of the above mentioned universities except Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz which will host the next workshop in December 2017.
Also, the International Relations Offices (IRO) of the participant universities represented their offices and their tasks and discussed ways to improve their offices and services for international students.    
 FH Joanneum University of Austria also presented itself: Situated in the city of Graz, it is a young institute, founded in 1995, however, it has become one of Austria's leading universities of applied Sciences.
The first day of the workshop began with a welcome speech by Dr Mohammad Reza Ghasemi, Director of International Academic Cooperation of USB. Next, representatives from all other 6 universities delivered 15-minute speeches to introduce the structure and model of their international relation offices. Afterwards, Brigit Hernady (director), and Christoph Hofrichter, from FHJ, presented two lectures on "Internationalisation of Higher Education" and "Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions and the Role of the International Relations Office" respectively and discussions underwent on the important role enacted by IROs in blowing an international spirit into universities.
In the second day of the programme, FHJ introduced different programmes and potentials offered in the university to local and international students. Then, in another section named "Language and Culture in the Framework of Internationalisation at Home", the Austrian speakers introduced various cultural activities offered in FHJ. In this workshop, the participants discussed the social, cultural and other strategies applied in their universities to attract foreign students and promote their names. At the end of this workshop, the audience discussed how to improve their IROs and international relations with universities abroad.

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