
The 6th International Workshop on internationalization of Iranian universities (IHEI)

The 6th International Workshop on internationalization of Iranian universities (IHEI)

The 6th and last International Workshop on internationalization of Iranian universities (IHEI) entitled: "International Networking and Opportunities" was held in the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.
Members of international academic affair offices of the University of Allameh Tabatabai, Ferdowsi University, Kurdistan University, and Shiraz University also took part in this international event which is conducted by European Union.
Some experts of internationalization of universities from FH Joanneum University of Austria presented their lectures in this regard. The Iranian participants also argued their viewpoints and experiences.
At the end of this workshop, it was decided that the members need to have a wrap up meeting to exchange their experiences and decide on the means of transferring them to other Iranian Universities.

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