
The Second round of scientific joint projects with Pakistan Science Foundation, (PSF)

The Second round of scientific joint projects with Pakistan Science Foundation, (PSF)

Hereby the International Affairs Office of the University of Sistan and Baluchestan announces its readiness to launch the second round of scientific joint projects with Pakistan Science Foundation, (PSF), within the following areas and fields:
• Material Sciences and Metallurgy
• Climate Smart Agriculture and Biotechnology
• Economic Utilization of Marine Resources
• Textile Engineering and Value Addition
• Earthquake forecasting services
• Solar Energy and ways of its implementation,
• Wind Energy and ways of its implementation,
• Water scarcity in close future and its relation to food scarcity
• Air Pollution
• Saving Endangered Species of plants, animals and insects
Interested scholars/researchers/professors are invited to send their research proposals to the international affairs office of the USB.
The selected proposals will be supported financially by the USB, if led to scientific publication. The duration of the research will be for two years.
The office email is: and the office telegram is : 98-9378153057

Submission deadline: March 14th. 

Office: 98-5433446047

Dr. Ghasemi (Director): 98-9027006706

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