B.Sc , Industrial Engineering , , 2003 → 2008
MS , Industrial Engineering , Amirkabir University of Technology , 2009 → 2011
PhD , Industrial Engineering , , 2013 → 2018



The Relationship between Organizational Behavior and Performance of the Staff of Sistan-Baluchestan Provinces Office of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism

5th International Conference of modern Research in Management, Economics and Development

Arman Bahari, Raziyeh Naseri - 1398/07/26

the effect of ethical work atmosphere on the purpose of staff quit serving

International Conference on Knowledge Management, Blockchain and Economics

Arman Bahari, Mohammad Ghasri - 1398/04/31

The Effect of Electronic Banking on Customer Satisfaction of Mellat Bank Branches in Zahedan

International Conference on Knowledge Management, Blockchain and Economics

Arman Bahari, Sarah Firouzi - 1398/04/31

The Role of Managers Behavior in the Level of Work Activity of Zahedan Education District 1 Staff

the 3 rd International Conference on Innovation and Research in Education fciences, Management and Psychology

Javad Podineh shykh, Arman Bahari - 1398/04/05

Organizational Silence and Organizational Voice, Identifying the Components

3rd International Conference on Innovation and Research in Education fciences, Management and Psychology

Forouzan Farooghinia, Arman Bahari - 1398/04/05

The Effect of Organizational Behavior Management Performance on Staff Satisfaction of Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences

3rd International Conference on Innovation and Research in Education fciences, Management and Psychology

Fatmeh Norozi, Arman Bahari - 1398/04/05

The role of maintenance in the industry and its optimal effects on production

6th national Conference on Mechanical industrial Aerospace Engineering of iran holy mashhad city - 19 june 2019

Milad Koshki, Arman Bahari - 1398/03/29

Purposeful forgetting

6th national Conference on Mechanical industrial Aerospace Engineering of iran holy mashhad city - 19 june 2019

Seyed ali Shadi afrooz, Arman Bahari - 1398/03/29

Impact of information technology on human resources management in social security organizations

6th national Conference on Mechanical industrial Aerospace Engineering of iran holy mashhad city - 19 june 2019

Maryam Najari ghalehno, Arman Bahari - 1398/03/29

The role of knowledge management in the implementation of enterprise resource planning systems

The 5th International Congress Sustainable Engineering and Management and accounting Science

Abbas Mashayekhirad, Nosrat Farahmandrad, Arman Bahari - 1398/03/06

Investigating the Effect of Information Technology Influence on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Employees of the Credit Institution of tosee

The 5th International Congress Sustainable Engineering and Management and accounting Science

Sedigheh Akhoundi, Arman Bahari - 1398/03/06

The Impact of Information Technology and Knowledge Management on Human Resource Performance (Case Study of Social Security in Sistan Baluchestan Province)

The 5th International Congress Sustainable Engineering and Management and accounting Science

Javad Tanha, Arman Bahari - 1398/03/06

Evaluation of job motivation and its impact on employee behavior and Marine Science Chabahar Maritime University

اولين كنفرانس ملي مديريت وسيستم هاي فازي

Arman Bahari - 1396/09/03

Evaluation of organizational culture on performance improvement and development of public and private organizations

1st National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/09/03

The effect of information technology on knowledge management

1st National Conference on Fuzzy Systems Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/09/03

The Impact of Human Resources and Human Resources Organizational Power on Improving Productivity and Performance in Organizations

دومين كنفرانس بين المللي تكنيك هاي مديريت و حسابداري

Arman Bahari - 1396/05/04

Citizenship behavior and its role in advancing the organization goals

2nd International Conference on Techniques Management and Accounting

Arman Bahari - 1396/05/04

Risk Management Challenges in Electronic Banking

2nd International Conference on Techniques Management and Accounting

Arman Bahari - 1396/05/04

Factors Affecting the Development of E-Commerce and Its Role on Improving Organizational Behavior

2nd International Conference on Techniques Management and Accounting

Arman Bahari - 1396/05/04

Factors That Affect The Lack Of Human Resource Development in Iranian Organizations and The Challenges Faced By Iran

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Impact Of Knowledge Management Of Supply Chain Management in Organization

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Effect Of Emotional Intelligence On Organization Development

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Effect of new technologies and information thechnology in the development of medical sciences (Case Study of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences)

7th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Role Of Customer Sastisfaction On Customer loyalty in Banking Industry

7th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Effect Of Organizational Culture On Improvement Of Work Motivation in Employees Mellat Insurance Company

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Impact Of Organizational Behavior on Growth Yield and Improve Health Systems

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Organization challenges in the application of information technology in Chabahar Marine Science University

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Factors Affecting The Development of Information Technology Management to Enhance Organizational Effectiveness

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Planning Development Strategies and The Role Of the Human Resources Function in Organizations

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The impact of information technology based on the strengths and weaknesses of marketing

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Evaluate the Effectiveness of Job Satisfaction and Empowerment of Human Resuorce in Improving Organizational Work Development

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Quality Management System in Educational Centers (Standardization and Organizational)

7th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Approach For Optimization Of Quasi-Model Simulation Models

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Enterprise Resource Planning in The Emergency Department Using The Optimized Simulation Model

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Factors of Development of vocational schools to improve entrepreneurship

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

The Role Of Perception And Specialization On Organizational Behavior And its Effect On Organizational Development

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

How The Impact Of Organizational Management On Performance Improvement And Human Resource Development mihan company

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Influence Of Information Technology On Organization (Case Study Of Tehran Social Security Organization )

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

نقش مديران سازماني در چابك سازي سازمان ها و بهبود عملكرد نيروي انساني

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Influential Factors in The Development Of Organizational Culture In Iran And its Comparison With Japan in The Private And Governmental Sectors

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/04/12

Studying the reverse supply chain model

International Conference on Green Supply Chain

Arman Bahari - 1396/02/14

Reverse supply chain inventory model with remanufactoring for sustainable product cycle

International Conference on Green Supply Chain

Arman Bahari - 1396/02/14

Role Of Information Technologyin The Development Of Organization Behavior

هفتمين كنفرانس بين المللي حسابداري و مديريت با رويكرد علوم پژوهشي نوين

Arman Bahari - 1396/02/12

Effective Factors in Organizational Progress With the Impact on Organizational Innovation and Creativity

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/02/12

Analyzing The Quality Of Affection Of IAI On Students learning Using New Technology

7th Int. Conference on Accounting Management

Arman Bahari - 1396/02/12

Design an inventory model in the reverse supply chain with remanufacturing

2nd International Industrial Management Conference

Arman Bahari - 1396/01/30

Investigating the effects of management style in an organization (Case study: Status of management styles in Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Zahedan City)

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Identification of the ruling organizational culture in the General Directorate of Sistan and Baluchestan Airports

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Investigating factors of increasing job motivation among Zahedan Guard Inspection employees by looking at theories of job motivation

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

tax fraud

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

The Role of Information Technology in Improving Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and increasing their efficiency

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Study of the role of information technology in the development of education management organization in Sistan and Baluchestan province

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Describe and compare service-oriented organizational architecture styles to improve organizational strategic management

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

An overview of factors affecting customer confidence in e-commerce

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Investigating the Effectiveness and Influence of Information Technology and its Application on City and Municipality Administration (Case Study: Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Zahedan City)

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Investigating the Role of Information Technology in Increasing Organizational Productivity (Case Study of Sistan Baluchestan University)

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Investigating the role of personality, ethics and organizational citizenship behavior of individuals and employees on the performance of the organization

6th International Conference on Accounting and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Review the role of marketing in leasing companies

1st International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics and Humanities

Arman Bahari - 1395/12/15

Identifying the Role of Information and Communication Technology in Increasing, Performance, Academic Centers, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Zahedan City

Integrated Conference Management Sciences and Accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/28

شناسايي عوامل موثر برتر در استقرار سيستم هاي اطلاعات مديريت (MIS)

6th International Conference on new directions in management, economics and accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/27

Evaluation of Organizational Justice with Job Performance and Its Improvement and Development (Case Study:)

6th International Conference on new directions in management, economics and accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/27

The Effect of Office Automation on the Time and Efficiency of Managers (Case Study: Sistan Baluchestan Governorate)

6th International Conference on new directions in management, economics and accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/27

Identifying Innovation Development Strategies at Universities

6th International Conference on new directions in management, economics and accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/27

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Government Organizations

6th International Conference on new directions in management, economics and accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/27

The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence on Employees Job Performance and Organizational Productivity

6th International Conference on new directions in management, economics and accounting

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/27

Identification of Factors Affecting Organizational Productivity and Human Resources in Education in Sistan and Baluchestan Province

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

Examining the Effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management at Zahedan Bank

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

بررسي تاثير مديريت دانش در خلاقيت و يادگيري سازماني در واحد هاي فناور مركز رشد دانشگاه سيستان و بلوچستان

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

Meritocracy in the administrative system

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

Investigating the Role of Human Resources Management in Improving Business Space

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

Evaluation of the status and progress of health and electronics health in Sistan and Balouchestan province of Zahedan

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

Effective Effects of Using Information Technology in Zahedan Oil Company

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

Assessment of employee satisfaction in e-government deployment in Sistan and Baluchestan province

First International Conference on Management and Accounting Techniques

Arman Bahari - 1395/11/19

How to implement enterprise resource planning and its impact on the billing

The first international conference management accounting educational sciences and resistive economics : action and implementation

Arman Bahari - 1395/06/29

Environmental Accounting

3rd International Conference on Management and Economics

Arman Bahari - 1395/06/18

Networking in Marketing Survey on Marketing of Small and Medium Enterprises

1st International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics Law and Humanities

Arman Bahari - 1395/05/14

Transformational Knowledge and Islamic Management and Its Role in Science Production

The 5th International Accounting and Management Conference and the 2nd Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovations

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/30

Investigating the effect of reward on job satisfaction of staff in case study of district education department of Zahedan

The 5th International Accounting and Management Conference and the 2nd Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovations

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/30

Investigate bottlenecks in the internet advertising

3rd International conference on management in the 21st century

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/20

Barriers on the market and marketing in Iran

3rd International conference on management in the 21st century

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/20

The study of market orientation and its factors

7th International Conference on Economics and Managemen

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/10

Networking in the marketing of small and medium enterprises

7th International Conference on Economics and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/10

Evaluation System Activity-based costing (ABC) and Economic Value Added (EVA)

7th International Conference on Economics and Management

Arman Bahari - 1395/04/10

Study of the relationship between intellectual capital and competitive advantage

First International Conference on Accounting, Management and Innovation in Business

Arman Bahari - 1394/06/29

The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship

First International Conference on Accounting, Management and Innovation in Business

Arman Bahari - 1394/06/29

Investigating the Key Factors Affecting Organizational Productivity

First International Conference on Accounting, Management and Innovation in Business

Arman Bahari - 1394/06/29

Study the impact of outsourcing services on productivity in the organization

First International Conference on Accounting, Management and Innovation in Business

Arman Bahari - 1394/06/29


Evaluation of the ability of information and communication technology in Kosar Insurance Company of

Arman Bahari, - 2022

Artificial intelligence in industry

حميدرضا چهار آئين , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي1401

Location of emergency centers, a case study of Zahedan-Kash axis

محمد حيدري , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 1401-1402

Investigating knowledge-based management on improving employee performance

نايب عالي پورهفشجاني , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 1401-1402

عبدالماجد جنگي زهي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 01-00

سعيد پرست , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 01-00

خالد ريگي كوته , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

عبدالمجيد شهنوازي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

علي سوزنده , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

حسن سالاري , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

سبحان اربابي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

عبدالله نيك خواه , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

رقيه بامري , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

علي نوري , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

سجاد شيرعلي نژاد , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

سجاد منصوري پور , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

سيروس مردانيان , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

سهيل ركني پور , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

عليرضا غاربي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

رضا ميرزائي گيسكي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97

آرش اميري , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97

حوريه منصوري , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97

مرتضي آشام , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97


سجاد شاهي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

ميلاد كوشكي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

رشيد رشيدي , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

سامان كردتميني , [ Arman Bahari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

مشاوره دانشجويان كارشناسي

1402/07/01 - Continues

1 - Siroos Mardanian, Arman Bahari, An analysis of factors influencing accidents Outside Urban Areas in Sistan and Baluchestan province , advances in civil engineering. (2024) 2024 1-13
2 - Arman Bahari, sattar nouri, Behnoosh Moody, Supply Chain Optimization under Risk and Uncertainty using Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II for Automobile Industry , Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems. (2023) 22 693-713
3 - Mohammad Khalilzadeh, Sayyid Ali Banihashemi, Arman Bahari, Investigation of the effects of knowledge management on organizational performance through human resource management as mediator , Business Perspectives and Research. (2023) 1-20
5 - samane salimi, Arman Bahari, behnoosh moody, Analysis of Lived Experiences of Elementary School Teachers about Strengths and Weaknesses of Shad Education Network During the Covid pandemic 19 , رويكردهاي نوين آموزشي. (2022) 16 31-48
6 - Arman Bahari, , Analyzing the status of women authors in scientific papers (Case Study: Geography and Planning Journals) , علم سنجي كاسپين. (2021) 7 45-53
7 - Alireza Hedayati, mohammad khalilzadeh, Arman Bahari, The Effect of Organisational Learning Capability on Individual Performance through the Use of Enterprise Resource Planning and User Satisfaction , Journal of Information Knowledge Management. (2021) 20 2150026-1-2050023-18
8 - Mohammad Arfaee, Arman Bahari, Mohammad Khalilzadeh, A novel prediction model for educational planning of human resources with data mining approach: a national tax administration case study , Education and Information Technologies. (2021) - View Paper
9 - Mehnoosh Soleimani, Mohammad Khalilzadeh, Arman Bahari, Ali Heidary, NSGA-II algorithm for hub location-allocation problem considering hub disruption and backup hub allocation , World Journal of Engineering. (2021) ahead-of-p - View Paper
10 - Arman Bahari, behnoosh moody, Factors Influencing the Adoption and Development of E-Learning According to Students Viewpoint of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences , پياورد سلامت. (2021) 15 319-329
11 - Arman Bahari, farzaneh asadi, A Simulation Optimization Approach for Resource Allocation in an Emergency Department Healthcare Unit , Global Heart. (2020) 15 1-6
12 - Arman Bahari, behnoosh moody, Analysis of co-authorship network and thematic pattern of the articles in the Journal of Public Management Researches , علم سنجي كاسپين. (2020) 7 16-28
13 - Arman Bahari, Ehsan Alidoost, Identify the pattern of reducing production time losses by mapping the future situation in TaghBist Steel Structures Company , مطالعات مديريت راهبردي. (2020) 11 93-110
14 - Arman Bahari, Farzaneh Asadi, Analysis of Emergency Department Queue System Performance: Simulation Approach Based on Experiment Design , راهبردهاي مديريت در نظام سلامت. (2019) 4 160-172 View Paper
15 - Arman Bahari, Fazane Asadi, Simulation Based on Response-Surface Method , مديريت سلامت. (2018) 21 61-71

Executive Management
Practical principles of crisis management in industry and mining sector
Customer satisfaction measurement (ISO 10004)
Customer complaint management course based on ISO10002
Team work and problem solving
Communication skills and organizational behavior
Organizational culture and effective communication in the organization
Participatory management with an emphasis on the system of suggestions
Productivity and its measurement techniques
Organizational research
Empowering employees
Value Engineering
Creativity in entrepreneurship
Industrial safety and risk assessment
Management information systems in industry
5s system