B.Sc , Islamic Theology and Education. Jurisprudence and , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , 1988 → 1992
MS , Quran and Hadith Sciences , Razavi University of Islamic Sciences , 1998 → 2003
PhD , Islamic Educational Moderation , Islamic Maaref University , 2013 → 2018


Imam Reza (peace be upon him) and challenging confrontations with Mamoun Abbasi

The second national conference of the Golden dynasty

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1402/04/10

Review and analysis of the letter of Yaqub Laith Safari, the first ruler of Sistani, to Al-Mutamid Khalifa Abbasi

Sistan international conference in the scope of Islamic civilization

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1402/03/01

The characteristics of revolutionaries before the appearance of the Promised Mahdi (AS) according to the narration of Imam Kazem (AS)

The second national conference of Mahdism and Islamic Revolution

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1401/12/09

The principles of dialogue between religions and religions in the Quran and the lives of the innocents (PBUH)

The first international conference on peaceful coexistence between religions and religions

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1401/12/08


اولين همايش ملي تاثير نهج البلاغه در زندگي با تاكيد بر مولفه هاي فرهنگي اجتماعي

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1401/08/04

Pure and moderate behaviors in wisdom 123 of Nahj al-Balagha

The fifth national conference of Islam and sublime values with emphasis on justice

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1401/02/29

The teachings of the Quran and Hadith and the social aspects of Corona

The first national conference on culture with emphasis on the cultural and social aspects of Corona

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1400/02/30

Healthy living from the perspective of the Holy Quran with emphasis on the concept of good life

Fourth National Conference on Islam and Transcendent Values with Emphasis on Healthy Living

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1399/04/12

A ray of Quranic behaviors of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in the pilgrimage of a large community

The Second International Conference on Islam and Transcendent Values with Emphasis on the Ethics of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1397/02/06

Culture building in the teachings of the Holy Quran

Islam and transcendent values with emphasis on culture

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1395/02/27

Ethical values in research with emphasis on verses and hadiths

National Conference on Islam and Transcendent Values with Emphasis on Ethics

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1392/12/07

Good life in the Quran and commentaries

The first regional conference of Hayat Tayyeba from the perspective of Quran and Atrat (AS)

Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi - 1390/08/19

Memoirs of Hazrat Hood and Saleh in Sufi texts and mystical interpretations up to the seventh century

مهديه صادقي خواه , [ Sajad Vaezi Monfared, Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi, Sayed Mohammad Hossein Moosavi, Ebrahim Noori, Gholam Reza Razavi Doust ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

Comparative Study of Womens Citizenship Rights in Iran and Saudi Arabia

محمد مرادقلي , [ Nader Mokhtari Afrakati, Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 98-97

Comparative Study of Womens Citizenship Rights in Iran and Saudi Arabia

محمد مرادقلي , [ Nader Mokhtari Afrakati, Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

Comparitive Study Guides Prove The Kiling of Two Pader to confirm the Righteousness of the Rights of Both Parts of Iran

محدثه السادات حجتي خانوكي , [ Nader Mokhtari Afrakati, Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

1395/11/01 - 1396/06/20

1398/11/01 - 1403/08/15

مدير گروه 3/2/98

1398/02/03 - 1398/10/29

1 - Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi, Commentary study of verses 95 of Surah Al-Baqarah and 7 Surah Juma and the semantic role of two negation letters "lan and la" , مطالعات تفسيري. (2023) 13 67-90
2 - Hosain Khakpour, Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi, Mohammad Taghi Zand Vakili, Analysis of the role of eschatology in Islamic lifestyle (based on cognitive therapy method) , مطالعات فرهنگي اجتماعي حوزه. (2022) 6 57-73
3 - Mostafa Mahmoodi Sahebi, mohammadahi majdefaghihi, The Semantics of Tasrif of the Verses and Its Relation to Frequency in the Quran on the Basis of 89 0f Israa , مطالعات تفسيري. (2018) 9 7-22