B.Sc , Persian language and literature , Sistan and Baluchestan University , 1985 → 1989
MS , Persian language and literature , Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies , 1995 → 1997
PhD , Persian language and literature , University of Isfahan , 2001 → 2007

Study ritual themes in the poetry alireza ghazveh

زهرا عودي , [ Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 01-00

Metaphor and Simile in the Poetry of Rashid Yasemi and Pejman Bakhtiari

اميرعباس عباس زاده , [ Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

Culture and etiquette of the people of Baluchistan in Baluchi legends

زمرد ريگي , [ Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

teaching and upbringing at nasihat al-Muluk Ghazali

سميه جهان تيغ , [ Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

educational thoughts golshan fath alikhan sabay kashani

رستم صدرائي نيا , [ Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

Review of mystical terms and expressions in the poems of Baghi Ghaznavi

امام بخش كرم زاده ايرندگاني , [ Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

1 - Human Shakeri, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, Abbas Ali Ahangar, Analyzing the Conceptual Metaphors of Masnavi Manavi Based on Directional Metaphors , پژوهش هاي ادب عرفاني (گوهر گويا). (2023) 17 45-68
2 - JAVAD ASSARROUDI, Mahmoud Abbasi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, The Comparison of Rhetorical Meanings of "aw" , مطالعات شبه قاره. (2020) 12 169-184
3 - Ahmad Rahimkhanli, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, Mahmoud Abbasi, Study of Existentialist Notions in Modern Poetry , پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي. (2020) 18 85-104
4 - Mohammad reyaz Raeisi, Mohammad Ali Mahmoodi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, The impact of Chaos Theory on Reinforcing Postmodern strains of the »The Nocturnal Harmony of Wood Orchestra« fiction , پژوهشنامه نقد ادبي و بلاغت. (2020) 9 67-87
5 - , Mahmoud Abbasi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, The Critical Analysis of Simile in SanjarKashanis Poetry , پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي. (2019) 17 9-32
6 - , Mahmoud Abbasi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, t , ادبيات عرفاني و اسطوره شناختي. (2018) 14 237-265
7 - , Mahmoud Abbasi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, takvazh ha , مطالعات شبه قاره. (2016) 8 61-80
8 - Ebrahim Rezaei, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, Mahmoud Abbasi, Study of internal music of Ejaz-e Khosravi and Khazayen Al-fotooh , مطالعات شبه قاره. (2016) 7 69-82
9 - Mohammad Amir Mashhadi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, Razieh Behabadi, A comparison between the narrative process of Nami Esfahani and Nezami Ganjavis Khosrow-va-Shirin , پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي. (2015) 13 249-266
10 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, Mohamad choharmahali, . , مطالعات شبه قاره. (2015) 7 7-28
11 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, , . , پژوهشنامه ادبيات تعليمي. (2015) 7 27-58
12 - Mahmoud Abbasi, Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, , Lexical Cohesion in the Surrealistic Text of Boof-e Koor based on Halliday and Hasans Theory , Language Related Research. (2015) 7 283-308
13 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, survey of romanticism and its representation in the poetry of Hasan Honarmandi , پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي. (2012) 5-28
14 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, common didactic wisdoms in ferdosi s shahname and nahjol balaghe , AAPS PHARMSCITECH. (2012) 71-94
15 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, an interoduction to the life and works of Naser Ali Sarhandi , ABHANDLUNGEN AUS DEM MATHEMATISCHEN SEMINAR DER UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG. (2011) 85-94
16 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, Froghi Bastami and restoration sonnet , پژوهشنامه ادب غنايي. (2011) 5-24
17 - Abdolali Oveisi Kahkha, study on stylistic elements in Quartrains of Bijan Arjan , فصلنامه تخصصي سبك شناسي نظم و نثر فارسي. (2011) 151-164