B.Sc , Biology , Kharazmi University , 2000 → 2004
MS , Biology - Biochemistry , Tarbiat Modares University , 2005 → 2008
PhD , Biology - Biochemistry , Tarbiat Modares University , 2008 → 2013


پاتوفيزيولوژي بيماري ديابت خودايمن تاخيري در بالغين و مقايسه آن با ديابت نوع 1 و ديابت نوع 2

3rd National Conference on Biological Findigs

Malihe Mohammadi - 1402/03/03

Investigating the COVID-19 infection after the second dose of COVIran Barekat in people over 18 years old

سومين كنفرانس ملي يافته هاي نوين زيست شناسي

Elham Heydari, Malihe Mohammadi, Riahi Seyed Mohammad - 1402/03/03

Investigating the COVID-19 infection after the second dose of Sinopharm vaccine in adult people

3 rd National Conference on New Biological Findings

Zahra Ostovan, Malihe Mohammadi, Seyed Mohammad Riahi - 1402/03/03

بررسي ميزان ابتلا به كروناي محتمل و قطعي پس از دريافت دوز دوم واكسن آسترازنكا در افراد بالاي 18سال

3rd National Conerence on New Biological Findings

Shahrbanoo Sedigh sarooni, Malihe Mohammadi, Seyed Mohammad Riahi - 1402/03/03

نقش متابوليت هاي موجود در عصاره گياهان در توليد و تثبيت نانوذرات فلزي به روش زيستي

The first national conference of chemistry and medicinal plants

Soma Sarafraz, Malihe Mohammadi, Shahla Hashemi shahraki - 1401/10/08

Impacts of sewage entering to aquatic ecosystems through heavy metals contamination

9th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in Biology and Natural Sciences of Iran

Shokoufe Mashoofi, Malihe Mohammadi, Mehdi Ghanbarifardi, Alimoradi Mohammadreza - 1401/08/19

New Molecular Studies in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

9th National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in Biology and Natural Sciences of Iran

Ghazaleh Biglarizadeh, Malihe Mohammadi, Saman Sargazi, Ramin Saravani - 1401/08/19

Evaluation of the Prevalence of ZnT8 and IAA Autoantibodies in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

1st National Conference of Modern Researches in Biological Science

Fatemeh Sargazi, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1400/11/14

Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults: Epidemiology and Comparison of its Clinical Manifestations with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

1st National Conference of Modern Researches in Biological Science

Fatemeh Sargazi, Malihe Mohammadi, Mahdieh Mehranpoor, Milad Lagzian - 1400/11/14

Frequency of glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody and protein tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2) in type 2 diabetic patients

2nd National Conference on New Biological Findings

Mahdieh Mehranpoor, Rahime Narooi, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1399/12/19

The relationship between the presence of autoantibodies against islet cells and the need for insulin therapy in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults

2nd National Conference on New Biological Findings

Rahime Narooi, Mahdieh Mehranpoor, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1399/12/19

The effect of ?-synuclein on the Parkinson disease

2nd National Conference on New Biological Findings

Marzeyeh Golestan fard, Malihe Mohammadi, Arezou Ghahghaei - 1399/12/19

The survey of heavy metals on Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson

2nd National Conference on New Biological Findings

Asma Alizadeh, Mehdi Ghanbarifardi, Malihe Mohammadi, Yaghfoori Saeed - 1399/12/19

بررسي فلزات سنگين در شير ماهي

دومين كنفرانس ملي يافته هاي نوين زيست شناسي

Asma Alizadeh, Mehdi Ghanbarifardi, Malihe Mohammadi, Saeed Yaghfoori - 1399/12/19

اثر فلزات سنگين روي ماهي شوريده در ايران

دومين همايش ملي حفاظت از ماهيان بوم زاد ايران؛ با تاكيد بر ماهيان حوضه آبريز درياي خزر

Morteza Samadanifar, Malihe Mohammadi, Mehdi Ghanbarifardi, Sadegh Mousazadeh - 1399/12/06

Identification of xylanase producing microorganism from Gever hot spring, Kerman

Third National Conference on Biotechnology Innovation and Technology, Iranian Chemistry

Seyede Solmaz Moosavi, Mortaze Slajgha, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1399/09/30

Epigenetics changes affecting L-asparaginase therapy in human leukemia: a mini review

Third National Conference on Biotechnology Innovation and Technology, Iranian Chemistry

Seyede Solmaz Moosavi, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1399/09/30

Identification and isolation of ?-Amylase producing bacteria from Dashti Salt Dome, Bushehr Province

Third National Conference on Biotechnology Innovation and Technology, Iranian Chemistry

Lyla Ghobadi, Seyede Solmaz Moosavi, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1399/09/30

Identification of xylanase-producing bacteria from the natural flora of Lake Lipar, Sistan and Baluchestan

First National Conference on Science, Marine Industries and Sustainable Development of the Makoran Coast

Yaser Tariz, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1398/11/30

Identification of xylanase-producing bacteria from natural flora of Makoran Sea coast, Tis fishing dock, Sistan and Baluchistan

First National Conference on Science, Marine Industries and Sustainable Development of the Makoran Coast

Zahra Khajepour, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian - 1398/11/30

Comparison of clinical features of type 2 diabetic patients with lada patients in a cross sectional study

2nd International Congress on Biomedicine

Malihe Mohammadi, Seyede Solmaz Moosavi - 1397/10/03

Prevalence of gad antibodies in gestational diabetes mellitus and its correlation with postpartum diabetes mellitus

2nd International Congress on Biomedicine

Malihe Mohammadi, - 1397/10/03


Irans 19th International Congress of Microbiology

Seyede Solmaz Moosavi, Milad Lagzian, Malihe Mohammadi - 1397/06/13

The study of prevalence of GAD-Ab in type 2 diabetic patients in Torbet-e Heydarieh city

1st congress of metabolic syndrome and thyroid disease

Malihe Mohammadi, Minireh Mohammadi - 1397/01/29

مروري بر ديابت بارداري و عوامل مرتبط آن در زنان باردار يك مطالعه مرورري

Reproductive health and population conferences

Monireh Mohammadi, Malihe Mohammadi, Nahid Mohajernasab - 1394/12/17

Assessment of the association between rs1042522, rs1625895, and rs17880604 polymorphisms of TP53 gene and risk of polycystic ovary syndrome in a southeastern Iranian population

غزاله بيگلري زاده , [ Malihe Mohammadi, S R, Saman Sargazi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 01-00

امير صداقتي , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian, Arezou Ghahghaei ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

مرضيه گلستان فرد , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian, Arezou Ghahghaei ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

خديجه خدادادي ارپناهي , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian, Arezou Ghahghaei, Samaneh Reiszadeh Jahromi, Qasemi Ali, Nasim Naeimi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

فاطمه سرگزي , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

اسما عليزاده , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Mehdi Ghanbarifardi, G G ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

clinical charactrristics and prevalence of islet cell autoantibody (ICA0 in adult with type 2 diabetes mellitus

رحيمه ناروئي , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

Clinical characteristics and prevalence of glutamic acid decarboxilase (GAD) and insuinama associated antigen (LA-2) autoantibody in adults with 2 Diabetes Mellitus

مهديه مهران پور , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

سيده سولماز موسوي , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

ليلا قبادي , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

مرتضي سلاجقه گورساروييه , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

ياسر تريز , [ Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96


Gene cloning and manipulation

Malihe Mohammadi, - ياررس-آثار سبحان - 2017

principles of biochemistry

Malihe Mohammadi, Farangis Ataie - انتشارات آثار سبحان و ياررس - 2016 Iran

1 - Ghazaleh Biglarizadeh, Saman Sargazi, Malihe Mohammadi, Marzieh Ghasemi, Mahdi Majidpour, Ramin Sara, Relationship Between Genetic Polymorphisms in Cell Cycle Regulatory Gene TP53 and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Case-Control Study and In Silico Analyses , BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS. (2023) 61 1827-1849
2 - Rahime Narooi, Mahdieh Mehranpoor, Malihe Mohammadi, Milad Lagzian, Prevalence of Islet Cell Autoantibodies in Adult Patients Followed for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-sectional Study , International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine. (2022) 7 41-46
3 - Malihe Mohammadi, Seyede Solmaz Moosavi, Evaluation of hypertension and its related factors in adults in Torbat-e Heydarieh, Iran , دانشكده علوم پزشكي نيشابور. (2021) 9 68-80
4 - Malihe Mohammadi, Mehdi Ghanbarifardi, Molecular phylogenetic affinities of some subtidal gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Qeshm Island , Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics. (2020) 16 11-19
5 - Malihe Mohammadi, Seyede Solmaz Moosavi, The Incidence of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibodies and its Association With Clinical Features in Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus , International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine. (2019) 4 56-60
6 - Milad Lagzian, Qasemi Ali, Pegah Kaviani, Malihe Mohammadi, Identification of new promising plant-based lead compounds for inhibition of prokaryotic replicative DNA polymerases: combination of in silico and in vitro studies , JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE and DYNAMICS. (2019) 37 4222-4237
7 - , Malihe Mohammadi, , , , , An alternative allosteric pathway in thermophilic methylglyoxal synthase , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES. (2016) 93 526-533
8 - , Malihe Mohammadi, , The impact of educating healthy lifestyle on Sarbisheh elderly people’s attitude and practice concerning joints and bones pain in 2010-2011 , مراقبت هاي نوين. (2014) 11 161-168