B.Sc , Islamic Theology and Education. Jurisprudence and , Qom Seminary , 2000 → 2005
MS , Islamic Theology and Education. Jurisprudence and , Qom Seminary , 2005 → 2007
PhD , Islamic Theology and Education. Jurisprudence and , Qom Seminary , 2007 → 2013



بررسي تطبيقي نظارت بر قوه مقننه در نظام حقوقي ايران و امريكا

اولين كنفرانس حقوق، علوم سياسي و علوم انساني

galavi hosein, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam - 1400/04/15

Examining the sentence of retrbution against transpIant members

عليرضا فاضلي نيا , [ Mohammad Reza Kaykha, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

investigation of crime prevention in the judicial life of the prophet and imam Ali (as)

علي سرگزي , [ Nader Mokhtari Afrakati, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

Illegitimate child and its legal effects on parents from the perspective of Islamic religions with a focus on the right to alimony and the publication of sanctity and in inidian law

محمدصادق اصلي , [ Ehsan Samani, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

Study survey Investigation the civil liability due to regulation and Directives

مسعود خياطي , [ Ehsan Samani, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

legal jurisprudential review of the condition of objectivity in mortgage

نسرين باران زهي بخشاني , [ Ehsan Samani, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

Study survey Investigation the civil liability due to regulation and Directives

مسعود خياطي , [ Ehsan Samani, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

legal jurisprudential review of the condition of objectivity in mortgage

نسرين باران زهي بخشاني , [ Ehsan Samani, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

1 - ahmad shahgoli, Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam, modern technology foundations and islamic wisdom approach , سياست متعاليه. (2021) 9 77-98
2 - Hosain Khakpour, Mosayeb Khazaee, , Abdolmahdi Arabshahi moghadam, تأثير مداخله مبتني بر ذهن آگاهي بر هوش معنوي و بهزيستي روان شناختي افراد مبتلا به ديابت نوع 2 , اخلاق زيستي. (2021) 11 1-12